Scheduling the students

Students at Algonquin have many requirements but also have space for some electives.  S.W.A.T. or Students Working to Advance Technology is considered an elective and students receive 2.5 credits for each semester they are enrolled.  Guidance works out the scheduling for those who have decided to take S.W.A.T. as a class.  They schedule all of their required classes first and then see where there is space for S.W.A.T.  Guidance also looks at my schedule and where I have availability.  This semester I have 3 students enrolled and each of them comes to me one period a day.  At this point I like it that way because my main role at Algonquin is to be available to teachers to help them with classroom technology.  If I had too many student assistants during certain periods a lot my time would be taken up managing them.  We also have an after school club so students who cannot fit SWAT into their regular schedule come to those meetings and help out at other events.

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